Save on shipping and lower the cost of your entire order.

If you are a mushroom grower or farmer that is serious about your business, you know you need to keep costs low. When it comes to grains, substrates, and even mushroom grow bags the cost of shipping matters.

Get a free bulk quote from us. You might not need a pallet full of grain but we can add it to a partial pallet order of substrate or Unicorn Grow Bags or both. The money you save on shipping is significant.

Get a free bulk quote today.


Wheat Midds are a great supplement for use in mushroom production. Pelletizing means you less mess in a product that is easier to handle.

Wheat Midds are a co-product of the wheat flour industry. Wheat Midds consist of fine particles of wheat bran, wheat shorts, wheat germ, wheat flour, and some of the offal from the “tail of the mill.” The product has had most of the flour removed, thereby making them higher in fiber and protein, yet lower in energy as compared to wheat grain. The variety of wheat and type of processing affect the nutrient composition.

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