Growing Tips

Another great video that talks about setting up your mushroom farm. Some of the steps you should take. When starting a farm you want to make sure you are following a path of success that is proven.

That is what these many shared videos, guides, and posts are all about. How to start a mushroom farm the right way, thus saving money, and avoiding costly mistakes.

This video is from our friends at Earth Angel Farms.

If you need the best substrate for your own grow bags like those shown in this video you can find it here on our site.

Do you need grow bags? 

We have the Unicorn bags in stock and offer fast shipping.

Pan Friend Lions Mane Mushrooms

Lion's Mane mushrooms (Hericium erinaceus) are not only nutritious but also have potential health benefits related to brain health and nerve repair. They have a seafood-like texture, often likened to crab or lobster, and can be cooked in various ways. Here's a simple...

Farmers Market Market Stall Set Up

Setting up your Farm to Table Market Stall at the Farmers Market Introduction to Farm to Table Concept Definition Farm to Table is more than just a buzzword; it's a philosophy that emphasizes direct connection between the farm and the consumer. It's about knowing...

All About Mushroom Grains

Comprehensive Guide to Grain Spawn in Mushroom Cultivation   Mushroom cultivation, a practice rich in both tradition and innovation, heavily depends on the right choice of grain spawn. In this guide, we'll provide a thorough examination of various grains and...

Oyster Mushrooms a first choice for farmers

Embarking on a Mushroom Farming Journey: Why Oyster Mushrooms are an Excellent First Choice As a budding mushroom farmer, you might be wondering which mushroom variety to cultivate first. There are indeed many choices, from the beloved Shiitake to the intriguing...

How to sterilize grain spawn in a pressure cooker

How to sterilize grain spawn in a pressure cooker

1. Prepare the pressure cooker by cleaning it thoroughly and ensuring that all parts are in good working condition: Before using the pressure cooker, it's important to clean it thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris. This ensures a clean environment for sterilizing...