Masters Mix

Finally an affordable sterilization kit. is proud to offer these Presto Mushroom Sterilization Kits.

In order to give back to the Mushroom Community, we offer a 23 quart Presto, 25 Unicorn grow bags and a 10lb bag of our amazing Fast Fruiting Mix all for the low bundle price.  Once you add the Presto to your cart a pop up will offer you the masters mix and available Unicorn Bags to choose from.  The discount is automatically applied as the line item titled “Presto Kit – Bundle and Save!” in your cart.

So you not only get a great deal you also get your hands on the best mushroom grow bags and substrate on the market. We have these ready to ship now.

MMO Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) Mycelium Liquid Culture, - 10ML

These Liquid Cultures generally take 1 week or so to get out the door.
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MMO Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) Mycelium Liquid Culture, - 10ML
Product Details

Hard, usually flat, zoned bracket fungus; reddish brown, shiny top. Grows at the base of living and dead deciduous trees or around stumps. May–November. Cap shelflike, semicircular; dark red to dark brown, lighter toward the margin; texture hard, shiny, often zoned. Pores circular to angular; whitish to brown. Stalk rarely present. Spore print brown. Spores magnified are elliptical, with double wall. When young and fresh, ling chih looks varnished, often with striking color bands of red, yellow, and white.