Mushroom Substrate

Working with your Mushroom Substrate you need to have something to put your working substrate in. We provide the finest brand of Unicorn Grow bags for all of our customers.

If you have ever dreamed about growing your own mushrooms this question likely has been on you asked.

What is the best Mushroom Substrate I can use to grow amazing Mushrooms? The answer is amazing and simple. Hardwood sawdust is the most amazing Mushroom Substrate you can find anywhere at any price. Now thanks to it is also the most affordable.

What makes hardwood sawdust the best Mushroom Substrate?

Hardwood pellets are easy to work with and our pellets are sourced from whole logs. That means bark, log, and all. This creates the ideal growth medium for your substrate.

Also because we source all of our logs in the USA from natural hardwood our pellets create the ideal growing substrate.

Also, why is the Mushroom Substrate from the best I can find?

It is about the quality of our source material. Our 100% all natural whole log source for our pellets are the finest available. If you go with fuel pellets or other pellets you never know what you are going to get.

Being in the wood pellet industry for well over a decade we know several brands that source their wood from scrap like used pallets and lose mill sawdust. These may have unknown chemicals on them and literally deep in the wood. It sounds good from a recycling perspective but it may be dangerous to use to make a substrate because of the unknown contaminants.

When you order your pellets from you are always getting 100% hardwood pellets that are sourced from natural whole logs.