Masters Mix

Learn more about Using the Fast Fruiting Mix

Discover some of the many ways you can use the Fast Fruiting Mix, also known as the Master’s Mix

Storing your Wheat Bran.

Wheat bran can be transferred into airtight containers and stored up to 30 days without refrigeration. It is ideal however to store your bran in containers then in your refrigerator. The reason for this is you want to assure two things.

The Wheat Bran does not get attacked by any bugs or other pests. Bugs love grains. Just like it is very nutritious for us bugs love it for the same reason. Many mushroom growers transfer their grain into mason jars once they receive their order. Keeping any unused portion sealed in an airtight container.

Secondly, you do not want the grains to go rancid. For mushroom growers limiting the chance of contamination is also critical. The reason you have chosen grains to work with is that other things love to grow in your grain. The key is keeping them safe until you are ready to use them. If ordering in bulk you should have a storage plan in place when you make your purchase. That way you are ready when your shipment arrives.

Thor Bag Cracker (free shipping) - Pre-order $0 to be on the list

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Thor Bag Cracker (free shipping) - Pre-order $0 to be on the list
Product Details
Brand: Mushroom Media Online

The Thor Bag Cracker

Revolutionizing Mushroom Preparation

Breaking up substrate and grain bags can be hard work. Some manually knock their material to loosen it by hand. Creative farmers use tires, or other items to knock their grain or substrates against to loosen up their material.

Instead of doing this let the Thor Cracker make that hard work go away. For a low one time cost you can get this ultimate tool.

  • Bag Cracker System
  • hose
  • Timer housing
Mushroom Substrate Pricing