Uniquely Greener’s Victory Garden Seeds

With all that is going on in the world today, it’s a great time to garden and feed the family with something you can grow yourself?

For many of us, our grandparents did it, or our parents did. They grew their own food. Maybe they did it only after they retired. It could have been just tomatoes that they grew. But we all know people who had fresh vegetables.

Well, it is that time again for everyone to grow some of their own food. When you do you will have fresher and more nutritious food and develop a sense of pride in knowing that you are literally putting the food on the table.

Can we be honest how much money would you save if you never had to buy another vegetable again?

Well with heirloom seeds you may never even have to purchase seeds again. Yes, you heard that right. You can save the seeds from your new vegetables and grow them again next season.

So for far less than a single to-go meal for your family, you can potentially secure many years of fresh, nutritious food. It just takes some earth, sun, water, soil, and a little work. This is literally where the saying comes from you reap what you sow.

Take a look at our amazing new Victory Garden Seeds and we know you will agree that this is the best choice you will make this year.


Lab Rat Nomad Wood 10"x7" - Made In U.S.

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Lab Rat Nomad Wood 10"x7" - Made In U.S.
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Due to customizations, this flow hood has a lead time.

*5-14 business days*

Meet the Flow Rat Nomad.

The Nomad is the smallest flow hood available on the market. We designed this hood with the traveler in mind. Great for traveling, foraging or doing some quick lab work (prints, swabs, agar transfers, etc). It is also a great beginner hood to learn sterile techniques in classroom settings and more!

The Nomad comes in at 11"x 8" x 6" and just over 5 lbs. The filter is rated at 99.99% efficiency down to 0.1 microns.

This model is built with plywood, finished with multiple applications of clear coat to provide a smooth easy to clean surface.

Our hoods also feature removable filter frames to allow the user easy access to the inside of the hood for cleaning and replacing the filters when needed. We recommend replacing the filter on our models every 3,000 hours to provide the most sterile work environment possible.