10 Reasons to get into the mushroom growing business:

1. They are in demand
2. Offer a proven niche
3. Can demand high prices for great mushrooms
4. Are great for the environment
5. They can be grown almost anywhere
6. The startup cost can be very low.
7. You can get started for less than $1,000
8. Marketing can be done cheaply and scale and grow with your new
9. You can use Social Media Marketing to grow fast
10. The Mushroom Growing Business rewards locally grown

Also, the many benefits of mushrooms profile tremendous value for your customers.

Benefits of Mushrooms:
1. Mushrooms are Healthy – Most varieties are high in vitamin D
and contain main other powerful nutrients.
2. Mushrooms are being studied for cancer research – Recent
studies have started into the possible links between mushroom
consumption and lower risks for certain cancers.
3. Mushrooms can boost other plant growth – Since mushrooms
produce carbon dioxide as they grow they are being used to boost
the growth of other plants in greenhouses around the World.
4. They offer a higher dollar value per pound than most other
vegetables that can be grown in micro-farms.
5. Are great to be grown on rack systems – Saving space and getting
the most out of your available space. Rack systems allow some
small growers to earn a substantial income from a single grow

Mushroom Sales and Prices

With more sales coming from local sources the impressive sales numbers are great news for people interested in growing mushrooms as a business. Record High All Mushroom Value of Sales at $1.23 Billion Volume of sales of the 2017-2018 United States mushroom crop...

Mushroom Substrate

If you have ever dreamed about growing your own mushrooms this question likely has been on you asked. What is the best Mushroom Substrate I can use to grow amazing Mushrooms? The answer is amazing and simple. Hardwood sawdust is the most amazing Mushroom Substrate you...