1. Prepare materials:
  • Grow bags (polypropylene 7” x 12.5”) alt sizes may be used.
  • The Bags should be grow bags that withstand heat, and have filters attached
  • Oak Pellets
  • Soy Hull Pellets

Optional ingredients based on variety and desired yield.

  • Calcium sulfate
  • Calcium carbonate
  • Magnesium sulfate
  1. Substrate preparation

Weight each component separately. For most varieties of common commercially grown mushrooms a 50/50 mix of soy hull pellets to oak wood pellets is ideal. You can purchase both oak and soy hull pellets here.

So mix equal parts and mix each with water to break the pellets down into their sawdust or lose form. It may be easiest to mix each ingredient first with water then combine the two after the first mixing. Then mix the ingredients again to assure that the soy and oak are well mixed.

The soy hull ads the nutrients that the growing mushrooms will need and the oak provides not only the substrate to bond to but also other key elements as well.

Depending on the requirements of the breed you are working with you may want to add additional nutrients to your mix. Again, most commercial varieties this is not needed since the oak and soy hull combination is an ideal fast fruiting mix.

Add Your Fast Fruiting Mix to your grow bags once thoroughly mixed.

Seal the bags once filled to the desired level for the size bag you are working with. Making sure to leave enough space at the top of the bag for properly closing and sealing the bags completely.

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