3 ways social media can help build your business.

With over 3 billion active users on social media, you can reach your customers and potential customers easier than ever.

Here are 3 ways social media efforts can boost your marketing results.


Search Engine Optimization is all about getting your website to rank for your chosen keywords. Ideally, those keywords or phrases are the same things your ideal customers are looking for online.

Social media posts work as upvotes for your business and website with every share. Each time you share a blog post, or even just a simple post, it shows to Google that you are an actual business. Then, as your followers and friends react to your content, it gives even more positive signals to Google and other major search engines. Each share, like, and comment you receive will boost your results.

So, if you post to the major social media accounts a few times a week you not only give signals to the search engines but you also stay in touch with your customers.


Staying Engaged with customers


Customer engagement used to be expensive and difficult before social media. You had to send out postcards, run ads on TV, radio, or in the local paper. Now for just a small investment in time you can keep them engaged with content for free on social media. Services like business fan pages are free on Facebook and similar things are available on platforms like LinkedIn and Pinterest.


Offer specials and announcements to your followers

Thank your online social followers by providing discounts or other benefits for following your business. Many companies are seeing significant results do this. Social media is also perfect to inform people about events you are attending, or holding.


IE: As a special thank you to our Facebook Followers, enjoy a 5% discount on your next purchase.

Tuesday Facebook discount. This coming Tuesday you can get a buy 1 get one free on our new ice cream cones.

Bring a friend Friday, if you bring a friend and introduce them to one of our staff, we will give you both a discount coupon this Friday.