Advanced Techniques for Growing Gourmet Mushrooms

A Comprehensive Guide


Are you a mushroom lover who wants to grow your own gourmet mushrooms at home? Or perhaps you’re a farmer looking to expand your crop selection and add a high-value product to your offerings. Whatever your reason may be, growing gourmet mushrooms can be a rewarding and profitable endeavor, especially if you know the right techniques.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the advanced techniques for growing gourmet mushrooms, including the best growing substrates, optimal environmental conditions, and the most efficient harvesting methods. By the end of this article, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to start growing your own delicious and nutritious mushrooms.


Best Substrates for Growing Gourmet Mushrooms


The substrate is the material that mushrooms grow on, and choosing the right substrate is crucial for successful mushroom cultivation. Here are some of the best substrates for growing gourmet mushrooms:


Hardwood Sawdust


Hardwood sawdust is a popular substrate for growing mushrooms like shiitake, oyster, and lion’s mane. The sawdust should be from a hardwood tree like oak, maple, or beech and should be sterilized before use to eliminate any contaminants that may compete with the mushrooms for resources.


Supplemental Hardwood Sawdust

The most popular supplemented sawdust substrate is the Master’s Mix which is a 50/50 mix of hardwood sawdust, and soy hulls. This creates a powerful mix that man varieties love. Often the flush sizes will be 2-3X larger and most farmers report 3 large size harvest from a single grow bag.

We are biased but we believe our Fast Fruiting Mix is the best version of the Masters Mix available since our pellets are premade and measured for that ideal 50/50 mix. Try and bag and measure your results we are certain you will be back to order a full pallet.




Straw is a great substrate for growing mushrooms like oyster, shiitake, and enoki. It’s important to pasteurize the straw before use to kill off any harmful bacteria or fungi that may harm the mushrooms.


Coffee Grounds


Used coffee grounds are an excellent substrate for growing mushrooms like oyster and shiitake. Coffee grounds are rich in nutrients and already sterilized by the brewing process, making them an ideal growing medium.

Coffee Grounds, or Brewers Grounds are something people in the industry talk about all the time. Most often because in many areas it is easy to find the grounds for free. So, the mind starts working and everyone thinks hey I can save so much on substrate ingredients. The problem is that these dense used substances are hard to properly sterilized. If you could find a way to sterilize them some varieties of gourmet mushrooms will respond and grow OK.


Optimal Environmental Conditions for Gourmet Mushrooms

Temperature, Humidity, and Airflow

Mushrooms are unique organisms that require specific environmental conditions to grow and thrive. As a grower, it’s important to understand these conditions and how to control them to ensure optimal yields and quality of your gourmet mushrooms. In this article, we’ll focus on the three most critical factors for growing gourmet mushrooms: temperature, humidity, and airflow.


Temperature is one of the most important factors for growing gourmet mushrooms. Different species have different temperature requirements, but most gourmet mushrooms grow best in a temperature range of 55 to 75°F (12 to 24°C). It’s important to maintain a consistent temperature throughout the growing cycle to avoid stress and ensure proper growth.

In the spawn running stage, which is the initial colonization of the substrate by mushroom mycelium, the temperature should be around 75°F (24°C) for most species. This stage can take several weeks, and it’s important to keep the temperature constant to prevent contamination or slow growth.

In the fruiting stage, which is when the mushrooms start to grow from the substrate, the temperature should be slightly lower, around 60 to 65°F (15 to 18°C) for most species. This lower temperature helps encourage the formation of fruiting bodies and promotes healthy growth.


Humidity is another critical factor for growing gourmet mushrooms. Most species prefer high humidity levels, between 80 and 95%, to thrive. Humidity levels that are too low can cause the mushrooms to dry out and become brittle, while humidity levels that are too high can lead to mold growth and other contaminants.

To maintain proper humidity levels, you may need to mist the growing area regularly or use a humidifier. It’s important to monitor the humidity levels regularly and adjust as necessary to ensure optimal growing conditions.


Airflow is an often-overlooked factor in growing gourmet mushrooms, but it’s essential for healthy growth. Proper airflow helps distribute moisture and nutrients evenly throughout the growing area and prevents the buildup of harmful gases or contaminants.

However, too much airflow can dry out the mushrooms or disrupt their growth, while too little airflow can lead to stagnant air and mold growth. The ideal airflow rate depends on the growing space and the specific mushroom species, but in general, it’s best to have a gentle, continuous flow of air throughout the growing area.

Monitoring and Controlling Environmental Conditions

To ensure optimal growing conditions for your gourmet mushrooms, it’s important to monitor and control the temperature, humidity, and airflow. This can be done using a variety of tools and equipment, including thermometers, hygrometers, fans, and humidifiers.

It’s also important to maintain a clean and sterile growing environment to prevent contamination and ensure healthy growth. This includes regular cleaning and sterilization of equipment, as well as careful handling of the substrate and mushrooms.

Optimal environmental conditions are essential for growing gourmet mushrooms successfully. Temperature, humidity, and airflow are the three critical factors that must be carefully monitored and controlled throughout the growing cycle. By understanding and mastering these factors, you can produce high-quality, delicious mushrooms that will delight your customers or your taste buds.

Remember to maintain a clean and sterile growing environment, use proper equipment and tools, and monitor the environmental conditions regularly. With patience and perseverance, you can become a successful gourmet mushroom grower and enjoy the rewards of your efforts.




Most gourmet mushrooms don’t require direct sunlight and actually prefer indirect or low light conditions. However, some species like shiitake and lion’s mane may benefit from a few hours of indirect sunlight per day.


Advanced Techniques for Growing Gourmet Mushrooms


Now that we’ve covered the basics of substrate and environmental conditions, let’s dive into some advanced techniques for growing gourmet mushrooms:


Spawn Running


Spawn running is the process of colonizing the substrate with mushroom spawn, which is essentially a culture of mushroom mycelium. This process can take several weeks and requires careful monitoring of temperature and humidity levels.




Fruiting is the stage where mushrooms start to grow from the colonized substrate. This stage requires even more precise environmental control, including proper lighting, humidity, and ventilation. Once the mushrooms start to grow, it’s important to harvest them at the right time to ensure peak flavor and texture.


Multiple Flushes


Many gourmet mushroom species can produce multiple flushes of mushrooms from a single substrate. To encourage multiple flushes, you can either wait for the mushrooms to naturally re-grow or force them to fruit by soaking the substrate in water for several hours.




  1. What is the best substrate for growing shiitake mushrooms?


The best substrate for growing shiitake mushrooms is hardwood sawdust, ideally from oak or beech trees. The sawdust should be sterilized to eliminate any contaminants and inoculated with shiitake spawn. After spawn running, the substrate should be placed in a fruiting chamber with high humidity and controlled temperature to encourage mushroom growth.


  1. Can I grow gourmet mushrooms indoors?


Yes, you can grow gourmet mushrooms indoors using a grow tent or a dedicated growing space. It’s important to control the temperature, humidity, and lighting to create the optimal growing conditions for the mushrooms. Indoor growing can also provide greater control over pests and contaminants.


  1. What are the most common pests and diseases that affect gourmet mushrooms?


The most common pests that affect gourmet mushrooms are mites, flies, and slugs. These pests can cause damage to the fruiting bodies or compete with the mushrooms for resources. Some common diseases that affect gourmet mushrooms include bacterial blotch, green mold, and cobweb mold. Proper sanitation and sterilization practices can help prevent these issues.


  1. How do I know when it’s time to harvest my mushrooms?


The timing of mushroom harvesting depends on the species and the growing conditions. In general, you should harvest the mushrooms when they are fully mature but before the caps start to flatten out. You can also harvest the mushrooms in stages to encourage multiple flushes.


  1. Can I use recycled materials as a substrate for growing gourmet mushrooms?


Yes, you can use recycled materials like cardboard, newspaper, or spent brewer’s grains as a substrate for growing gourmet mushrooms. However, it’s important to sterilize these materials before use to eliminate any contaminants that may harm the mushrooms.

I never understand the chase for cheaper and cheaper substrates. If you are a mushroom farmer you should look for the very best substrate to grow most efficiently. This means proper nutrients for your chosen species of mushroom. The more your mushroom variety responds to this substrate the healthier your mushrooms will be. This will create better nutrients, appearance, taste, and larger flushes. In turn, your mushrooms will be able to be sold at a greater price, and they will be easier to sell to restaurants and grocery stores. Even direct to consumers.


  1. Can I sell my homegrown gourmet mushrooms?


Yes, you can sell your homegrown gourmet mushrooms, but you may need to comply with local regulations and obtain necessary permits or licenses. Selling mushrooms can be a profitable venture, especially if you target high-end restaurants and specialty food stores.


Growing gourmet mushrooms can be a fun and rewarding hobby or a profitable business venture. With the right techniques and environmental conditions, you can produce a variety of delicious and nutritious mushrooms at home or on your farm. Remember to choose the right substrate, maintain proper environmental conditions, and follow advanced techniques like spawn running and multiple flushes. With patience and perseverance, you can become a successful gourmet mushroom grower.