Growing Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

Using Soy Hulls and Hardwood Sawdust


Lion’s Mane mushrooms, scientifically known as Hericium erinaceus, have been a source of intrigue for both culinary enthusiasts and those in the medical world. This distinctive mushroom, characterized by its long, cascading tendrils, doesn’t just stand out for its unique appearance. Culinary-wise, it offers a taste and texture akin to seafood, often likened to crab or lobster, making it a delightful ingredient for vegetarians and omnivores alike. Beyond its flavor, Lion’s Mane boasts a range of medicinal properties, which have been traditionally employed in Asian medicine and are now being studied for their potential benefits related to cognitive health, digestion, and inflammation.

Yet, as enchanting as they are, these mushrooms require specific conditions to grow optimally. This is where the combination of soy hulls and hardwood sawdust comes into play. These two components create an ideal substrate that closely mimics the mushroom’s natural habitat, ensuring healthy growth. Not only do these materials provide the necessary nutrients, but they also offer a structure that allows for adequate water retention and air exchange — key factors in mushroom cultivation. By harnessing the powers of these natural ingredients, one can cultivate bountiful, healthy Lion’s Mane mushrooms right at home.

Materials and Equipment:

Starting your Lion’s Mane mushroom cultivation journey requires careful preparation and the right tools. Before diving in, it’s essential to gather all the necessary materials and equipment to ensure a successful growth process. Here’s a comprehensive list of what you’ll need:

a. Soy Hulls: A primary component of your substrate, soy hulls are an organic source of nutrients essential for mushroom growth. They are readily available at farm supplies or online stores.

b. Hardwood Sawdust: Oak, alder, or maple are the preferred choices when selecting hardwood sawdust. This sawdust acts as the base material for your substrate, mimicking the mushroom’s natural growth habitat.

If you want the ultimate substrate mix, get your hands on Mushroom Media Online’s Fast Fruiting Mix. It is the ideal 50/50 mix of pellets made from 50% Soy Hulls and 50% Oak. These are very popular so order now to ensure your supply and consider ordering in bulk by the pallet to save big on shipping.

c. Bags or Containers: You’ll need specialized bags or containers that can withstand high temperatures during sterilization. These will house the substrate and grain spawn, providing a place for the mushrooms to colonize. Most commercial mushroom farms that grow oyster mushrooms prefer the Unicorn Grow Bags for this purpose.

d. Pressure Cooker or Autoclave: Sterilization is a crucial step in mushroom cultivation. A pressure cooker or autoclave ensures that the substrate is free from contaminants, creating a clean environment for the mushrooms.

e. Lion’s Mane Grain Spawn: Think of this as the “seed” of your mushroom. The grain spawn contains the mycelium that will grow and spread throughout your substrate. Purchase from reputable suppliers to ensure its quality and viability.

f. Mixing Containers: These will be used to combine your soy hulls and hardwood sawdust. Ensure they are clean and free from contaminants.

g. Thermometer: Monitoring the temperature is essential during both the sterilization and colonization processes. A thermometer ensures you maintain the optimal temperature range for Lion’s Mane growth.

h. Hygrometer: This device measures humidity levels. Maintaining proper humidity is vital for mushroom fruiting.

i. Spray Bottle: This tool will help you maintain the necessary humidity levels during the fruiting stage, ensuring your substrate doesn’t dry out.

j. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Gloves and masks are essential to maintain a sterile working environment. Along with these, a cleanroom or a still air box helps reduce the risk of contamination when inoculating your substrate.

k. Alcohol or Disinfectant: Regularly disinfecting your equipment and workspace reduces the risk of contaminants, ensuring a healthy and productive growth cycle.

Gathering these materials and tools beforehand ensures a smooth cultivation process. Remember, cleanliness and attention to detail are paramount in mushroom cultivation. The right tools paired with a methodical approach set the foundation for a rewarding harvest.

Preparing the Substrate

The heart of successful Lion’s Mane mushroom cultivation lies in the substrate, the medium on which the mycelium grows. A properly prepared substrate ensures the health and vitality of the fungi, leading to robust fruiting bodies. To ensure optimal growth conditions, follow this detailed process:

Begin with your base ingredients: soy hulls and hardwood sawdust. A harmonious blend of these components creates a 50/50 mix, which has been proven effective for Lion’s Mane growth. To achieve this, simply mix 1 part soy hulls with 1 part hardwood sawdust. The combination provides the necessary nutrients and structure that Lion’s Mane mycelium thrives on.

Once the dry materials are thoroughly combined, it’s time to introduce water. The aim is to achieve a consistency that is moist but not sodden. This balance ensures that the mycelium has access to water without becoming waterlogged, which could inhibit growth. Slowly add water, mixing as you go, until the substrate clings together when squeezed but doesn’t drip excessively.

With your moist substrate ready, the next step is to pack it into your chosen bags or containers. This is where the mushrooms will colonize and grow, so ensure the containers are of appropriate size. When filling, leave a few inches of space at the top of each container. This space is vital for allowing gases to exchange, a key aspect of mycelium health.

Once the containers are filled, it’s time to seal them. If using bags, fold the tops down, ensuring a tight seal to prevent contaminants from entering. For containers, ensure they’re sealed securely with their respective lids.

However, before the colonization process begins, one final, vital step remains: sterilization. This process ensures that any competing organisms, such as mold or bacteria, are eliminated. To do this, place your packed bags or containers into a pressure cooker or autoclave. These devices use intense pressure and heat to sterilize the substrate. Set the pressure to 15 psi and allow the substrate to be sterilized for a duration of 2 to 2.5 hours. After this time, turn off the heat and let the substrate cool inside the cooker or autoclave. Ideally, let them sit overnight or for a minimum of 12 hours. This ensures that the substrate reaches room temperature, creating a safe environment for introducing the Lion’s Mane grain spawn in the subsequent steps.

Preparing the substrate is a meticulous process, but its importance cannot be overstated. A well-prepared substrate is the foundation for a successful mushroom cultivation experience.

Many growers save a great deal of time and effort with this stage by using the Thor Bagger and using the Fast Fruiting Mix. This allows you to reduce the labor required to prepare a large number of bags of substrate at one time. Also, the Fast Fruiting mix takes the trouble of weighing and mixing the two key ingredients. You just add the water mix and bag.


Inoculation is the transformative phase in mushroom cultivation, marking the point where you introduce living mushroom mycelium—via grain spawn—to the sterilized substrate. This delicate procedure requires precision, cleanliness, and attention to detail. Proper inoculation ensures the health of the mycelium and, by extension, the success of the mushroom fruiting process.

Start by preparing your workspace. Choose a room or area that’s relatively free from dust and airborne contaminants. Cleaning is paramount: Wipe down all surfaces with a disinfectant or a 70% isopropyl alcohol solution. This includes tables, countertops, and any tools you’ll be using. Ensure that there’s no draft in the room; drafts can introduce contaminants, so it might be best to close windows and doors, and turn off fans or air conditioning units. If you’re working near vents, consider covering them temporarily.

Once the environment is ready, your personal preparation is next. Wear a mask to prevent any breath-based contaminants. Don a pair of gloves, ensuring they fit snugly. To heighten sterilization, you can wipe your gloved hands with an alcohol solution or disinfectant. This might seem like overkill, but remember, even a minor contamination can jeopardize the entire cultivation process.

With your workspace and personal equipment in order, it’s time to open the bag or container of sterilized substrate. Be deliberate and careful; swift or careless movements can introduce contaminants. Using a sterilized instrument or your gloved hands, gently open the container or unfold the top of the bag.

Now, introduce the heart of the inoculation process: the Lion’s Mane grain spawn. This grain spawn contains the mycelium that will spread throughout the substrate, eventually leading to mushroom growth. For each bag or container, aim for a spawn to substrate ratio of approximately 5-10%. This means, for every 100 grams of substrate, you’d add 5 to 10 grams of grain spawn. Accurate measurements here are vital; too little spawn might result in slow colonization, while too much can be wasteful and doesn’t necessarily speed up the process.

After adding the appropriate amount of grain spawn, the next step is mixing. Ensure the spawn is distributed evenly throughout the substrate. This even distribution ensures that mycelium can grow uniformly, leading to consistent and healthy colonization. Use sterilized tools or your gloved hands to mix, breaking up any clumps of grain spawn and integrating it thoroughly with the substrate.

Finally, with the inoculation process complete, reseal the bag or container. If using bags, fold the tops down securely, maybe even adding tape or a rubber band to ensure a tight seal. For containers, place the lid back on, ensuring it’s tightly sealed.

In conclusion, inoculation, while straightforward in steps, demands a meticulous approach. Cleanliness, precision, and attention to detail during this phase will set the stage for a successful mushroom growth cycle.


The incubation phase, following inoculation, is a period of anticipation and patience. It’s when the introduced Lion’s Mane mycelium starts to spread and colonize the substrate, laying the groundwork for eventual fruiting. Just as with previous stages, ensuring optimal conditions is crucial for the mycelium’s health and growth.

After inoculating, the bags or containers need a suitable environment to facilitate the mycelium’s growth. A dark, warm place is ideal, as it replicates the natural underground or wood-based environments where mushrooms often thrive. Consider using a closet, cupboard, or a dedicated mushroom incubation chamber if you have one. The darkness supports the mycelium’s growth, ensuring it focuses its energy on colonizing the substrate rather than producing premature fruiting bodies.

Temperature is a critical factor during incubation. Lion’s Mane mushrooms prefer a temperature range of 70-75°F (21-24°C). While minor deviations from this range won’t necessarily ruin the process, maintaining this ideal temperature will accelerate mycelial growth and reduce the risk of contamination. You might consider using a space heater or heating mat to maintain consistent temperatures, especially if your chosen incubation space naturally falls below this range. If using such devices, always monitor them closely to prevent overheating.

Regularly checking your bags or containers is important, not just to witness the progress of the mycelium but also to catch any potential contamination early. Healthy Lion’s Mane mycelium will appear white and have a fluffy or cotton-like consistency. This is a sign of vigorous, healthy growth. However, be vigilant for any signs of contamination. Mold, which can come in colors like green, blue, or black, is a common culprit. Also, any off or unusual odors can be a sign of bacterial contamination. If you notice any bags or containers showing these signs, it’s best to discard them immediately to prevent potential cross-contamination.

Incubation is a game of patience. Over the course of 2-4 weeks, you’ll see the white mycelium gradually take over the substrate. Once a bag or container is fully colonized, meaning the substrate is entirely covered by white mycelium, it’s ready for the next stage. However, rushing can lead to underdeveloped mycelium, so always ensure complete colonization before proceeding.

To summarize, the incubation stage, while passive, requires careful monitoring and optimal conditions. By providing the Lion’s Mane mycelium with the right environment and regularly checking for health and contamination, you pave the way for a successful harvest.

Fruiting Conditions

Reaching the fruiting stage is a pivotal moment in the mushroom cultivation journey. Here, the mycelium, having thoroughly colonized the substrate, is prepared to produce the coveted Lion’s Mane fruiting bodies. Properly initiating and managing fruiting conditions is crucial to witness a successful harvest.

Start by relocating the fully colonized bags or containers. While the incubation phase required darkness, the fruiting stage necessitates light – though not direct sunlight. Choose a location with gentle, indirect light. A room with a window that gets diffused daylight or a location under artificial lights that aren’t too intense will suffice. This light prompts the mycelium to start producing mushrooms, a natural reaction as they’d typically grow towards the light in the wild.

To facilitate the growth of these fruiting bodies and ensure optimal health, the bags or containers need a means of air exchange. Using a sterilized knife or a specialized punch tool, cut or poke holes in the bags. This not only gives the developing mushrooms an exit point but also ensures vital air exchange. If using containers, slightly opening or adjusting the lids can serve the same purpose. Remember, mushrooms comprise largely of water, and as they grow, they’ll push out from these openings, seeking the fresh air outside.

Humidity is an indispensable aspect during the fruiting phase. Lion’s Mane mushrooms thrive when humidity levels hover around 90-95%. Such high humidity ensures that the mushrooms don’t dry out and can grow to their full potential. To monitor these levels, employ a hygrometer, a device that measures ambient humidity. Place it near your bags or containers to keep a regular check.

Even with a naturally humid environment, you’ll likely need to intervene to maintain optimal moisture. A spray bottle filled with clean water becomes an invaluable tool. Mist the bags or containers daily, ensuring the substrate remains moist but not drenched. This regular misting not only maintains humidity but also encourages the growth of the mushroom fruiting bodies.

Lastly, while maintaining high humidity, it’s crucial to balance this with proper air exchange. Mushrooms exhale carbon dioxide and inhale oxygen. Stagnant or stale air can not only inhibit fruiting but can also become a breeding ground for contaminants. To ensure proper air exchange, consider fanning the bags or containers daily using a clean board or lid. Alternatively, if you’re using a dedicated fruiting chamber, make sure it has provisions for air circulation.

In essence, transitioning to fruiting conditions is a delicate balance of light, humidity, and air exchange. With diligent monitoring and the right environment, you’ll soon witness the emergence and growth of beautiful Lion’s Mane mushrooms, bringing your cultivation journey closer to its rewarding conclusion.


The climax of your mushroom cultivation journey is the harvesting stage. After weeks of diligent care, seeing fully-grown Lion’s Mane mushrooms ready for picking is truly rewarding. Proper harvesting ensures you get the maximum yield without damaging the mycelium, and it also guarantees the best quality produce for consumption or further propagation.

Understanding the right time to harvest is crucial. Lion’s Mane mushrooms are renowned for their unique appearance, with spindly, icicle-like tendrils hanging from a solid base. The optimal time to harvest them is when these tendrils appear full, thick, and plush. They should still have a pristine white or slightly off-white hue. Delaying the harvest can lead to the tendrils turning yellow or brown, signaling the mushroom is past its prime. While they are still edible at this stage, they might lose some of their famed tenderness and flavor.

When you’ve ascertained that the Lion’s Mane is ready for harvesting, approach the process with care. Use clean hands or gloves, and gently grasp the base of the mushroom. The method is simple: delicately twist the mushroom while pulling it away from the substrate. The aim is to detach it without causing undue damage to the mushroom or the underlying mycelium. This ensures that the substrate might still support future flushes of mushrooms if conditions are right.

Once harvested, storage becomes the next priority. Lion’s Mane, like most mushrooms, has a high-water content, making it susceptible to degradation if not stored appropriately. The ideal method is to use paper bags or wax paper. Place the mushrooms inside, ensuring they’re not too tightly packed, and then store them in a refrigerator. The paper helps wick away excess moisture, keeping the mushrooms dry. It also allows for a small amount of air exchange, preventing them from becoming slimy or moldy. Stored this way, your Lion’s Mane mushrooms can remain fresh for up to a week or more.

The harvesting phase, while simple in procedure, requires timing and technique. By picking your Lion’s Mane at its peak and storing it properly, you ensure the fruits of your labor are enjoyed in the best possible condition, be it for culinary delights or medicinal benefits.

Tips and Troubleshooting

Growing Lion’s Mane mushrooms, like any cultivation project, is as much an art as it is a science. While the outlined steps provide a comprehensive guide, you may still encounter challenges along the way. This chapter delves into some critical tips and troubleshooting advice to help you navigate potential pitfalls and ensure a successful harvest.

Avoid Contamination: The importance of cleanliness cannot be overstated in mushroom cultivation. Contaminants, be they molds or unwanted bacteria, are ever-present in our environment and can easily ruin your mushroom crop if introduced to the substrate. Always ensure that your workspace, tools, and hands are thoroughly cleaned and sterilized before engaging in any step of the process. Using a still air box or working in a cleanroom environment can significantly reduce the risk of contamination. Remember, a few extra minutes spent on cleanliness can save weeks of cultivation effort.

Dealing with Contaminated Bags: Despite your best efforts, you might sometimes find bags showing signs of contamination. Mold growth, unusual colors, or off-putting odors are clear indicators. If a bag becomes contaminated, it’s essential to dispose of it promptly. Doing so prevents the potential spread of mold spores or contaminants to other bags or containers. When disposing of such bags, seal them in a plastic bag to contain any spores and then discard them. Always clean and disinfect the area afterward.

Addressing Fruiting Issues: Even with a fully colonized bag, there’s no guaranteed timeline for when mushrooms will begin to fruit. Various factors play a role, and if you find your mushrooms are not fruiting as expected, consider the following adjustments:

Light: Ensure that the bags or containers are receiving adequate indirect light. While they don’t require the same amount of light as plants, it’s an essential factor in signaling the mycelium to produce fruiting bodies.

Temperature: While Lion’s Mane thrives in the 70-75°F (21-24°C) range, minor adjustments within this window might sometimes be needed based on specific strains or environmental factors. Ensure your setup maintains a consistent temperature and consider tweaking it slightly if fruiting remains elusive.

Humidity: A lack of moisture can deter fruiting. Ensure that your setup maintains a consistent high humidity level, ideally between 90-95%. If necessary, increase your misting frequency or employ other humidifying methods.

Cultivating Lion’s Mane mushrooms is a rewarding endeavor, but it’s not without challenges. By understanding potential issues and addressing them proactively, you can improve your chances of a bountiful and high-quality harvest. Remember, every cultivation journey is a learning experience, and each challenge faced offers an opportunity for growth and refinement in your mushroom-growing skills.

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