Note: The inoculation room must be kept very clean and free of diseases to avoid contamination. Avoid sunshine from entering the area.

  1. Prepare materials:
  • Alcohol lamp
  • Sorghum coated with spawn
  • Fire
  • Square paper (5’’ x 5’’)
  • Rubber bands
  • Cotton Alcohol
  • Pasteurized substrate bags
  1. Cleanroom with broom or dust vacuum Rub the floor with a disinfecting solution.
  2. Bring substrate bags from pasteurization chamber to the inoculation area.
  3. Light alcohol lamp.
  4. Disinfect hands and pasteurized substrate bags with alcohol.
  5. Take a bottle of sorghum coated with spawn (all-white color).
  6. Shake well bottle against car tire (or old tire) to release sorghum seeds and then, bring bottles to inoculation room. Do not open bottle
  7. A flame around the bottleneck. Open bottle very close to the flame to take out the air from inside.
  8. Drop 10 – 20 sorghum seeds coated with spawn in the mushroom bag. Act very quickly and with very little movement.
  9. Then bring cotton to close the bag as quickly as possible. Repeat for all bags.
  10. Leave bottle near the flame until all bags have been inoculated. Then close the bottle.
  11. Following inoculation of all bags, place clean square paper to cover the top of the bag and tie with a rubber band.
  12. Bring bags to incubation room.

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Mushroom Substrate

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